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Frédéric Donnedieu de Vabres

Frédéric Donnedieu de Vabres

Arsene, France

Département de travail



Managing Partner , Corporate Tax management & strategy M&A - Private Equity Corporate Executives


Frederic Donnedieu de Vabres is the managing partner of Arsene Taxand and one of its two founding partners in 2004. Between 1999 and 2003, he was the managing partner of Arthur Andersen. Most of his clients are international groups, whom he assists by addressing the tax aspects of their national and international development: acquisitions, reorganisations, optimisation of the effective tax rate and tax strategy assistance. Frederic is a member of the IFA and the Orientation Committee for HEC students in the tax and legal specialisation program at HEC (the leading French business school).

Membre de

International Fiscal Association - IFA


D.E.S.S. Droit des Affaires (Paris V)