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Clémence Legout

Clémence Legout

LPA Law, France




Clémence Legout is a counsel in the Restructuring practice

Clémence assists companies facing difficulties in preventive (mandate ad hoc, conciliation) and insolvency proceedings (safeguard, reorganization, liquidation). She also advises candidates for the takeover of companies in difficulty.

Clémence assists all players in the sector, particularly debtors, in both advisory and litigation matters.

She holds a Master II (Research) and a Master I in Business Law from the University of Aix-Marseille III and has been a member of the Paris Bar since 2013. Before joining LPA Law, she has spent her entire career with niche firms specialized in restructuring.

Clémence is a member of the Association of Young Restructuring Professionals (AJR).
